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How to Remove Durian Smell from Your Car: Effective and Easy Solutions

durian smell

How to Remove Durian Smell from Your Car: Effective and Easy Solutions

If you’ve ever had durian in your car, you know the smell tends to linger! In fact, some people go to hilarious extremes to avoid the scent taking over their vehicle. Years ago, a driver was spotted on the road with bags of durian hanging outside his car, strapped to the back bumper. Looks like he was determined to keep the smell outside at all costs! But for those of us who want to enjoy durian without such dramatic measures, there are simpler, more practical ways to keep your car fresh.

Of course, there’s another option: you can enjoy durian without the hassle of carrying it home by buying durian online. But sometimes, while walking on the street, the enticing aroma of fresh durian might catch your attention, and you simply can’t resist buying it to carry home. In those moments, the struggle with its lingering smell becomes all too real. Thankfully, there are practical ways to manage the aroma so you can fully enjoy the King of Fruits without any regrets.

Items to Remove Durian Smell From Your Car

“To remove durian smell from your car, try using common household items like used coffee grounds, activated charcoal, or even the durian stem itself. Placing these items strategically in your car can absorb and neutralize the odor within a day or two, leaving your car smelling fresh again.”

1. Used Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are known for absorbing strong smells, and they work wonders with food odors like durian. Just take a small container of dry, used coffee grounds and place it in the car, preferably near where the smell is strongest. Leave it overnight or, even better, for 24 hours to let it do its magic. The coffee will neutralize the smell, leaving a fresher scent. Just remember to change the coffee grounds every few days if the smell persists.

2. Charcoal

Charcoal, especially activated charcoal, is a powerful odor absorber. You can use regular barbecue charcoal if that’s what you have on hand, but be sure to place it in a container or cloth bag to avoid any mess. Charcoal works by absorbing both moisture and odors, making it great for a confined space like a car. Replace the charcoal every week to keep your car smelling clean and fresh.

3. Durian Peduncle (Stem)

Here’s a unique tip that many Malaysians swear by! The durian peduncle – or stem – itself can actually help reduce the durian smell. Just cut the peduncle and stick it onto the car’s aircon vent. As the air circulates, it helps neutralize the durian smell, thanks to the peduncle’s natural properties. This tip is especially useful right after you’ve enjoyed some durian and want to keep the scent from lingering.

4. Bread

Bread is another easy way to absorb mild odors. Simply place slices of plain white bread around the car interior, and it’ll act like a sponge for unwanted smells. Leave it for a few days, then replace if necessary. For a stronger effect, you can use bread in combination with coffee grounds or charcoal.

5. Mint

Mint is great for masking the durian smell while refreshing the car. You can use fresh mint leaves, mint essential oils, or a mint-scented air freshener. Place mint leaves in a small sachet or spray a few drops of essential oil around the car. The mint scent will counteract the durian smell, leaving your car with a pleasant, fresh aroma.


With these simple household items, you can easily remove durian smell from your car. Whether it’s coffee grounds, charcoal, or even the durian peduncle itself, you’re now equipped to enjoy your favorite fruit without worrying about lingering odors.

If you’re craving the King of Fruits, why not bring durian to your home with our high-quality, hand-picked durians? From classic varieties to exotic favorites, buy durian delivery today. Enjoy the full experience of eating durian without leaving your house—and with these odor-removing tips, no need to worry about lingering odors.

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